
Worried about coronavirus? Stop touching your face.

Full disclosure: In the process of writing this, I’ve touched my face not one, not two, but 37 times. I started counting after Face Touch #3, when I realized I might have a problem. By then, the truth was out: Like so many living, breathing humans before me, from time to time I touch my face. 

That’s all good and well, except, of course, when it comes to disease prevention. 

On Wednesday, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed the first case of novel coronavirus (now know as Covid-19) in the U.S. to be contracted by a patient from an unknown source. 

So far, there are 60 known coronavirus cases in the U.S. Of those, 59 patients picked up the virus by traveling to regions were the outbreak is present, or through close contact with those who were infected. The majority (42) of those infected in the U.S. contracted coronavirus during a quarantine of the Diamond Princess cruise ship off of Japan. Read more…

More about Prevention, Outbreak, Coronavirus, Covid 19, and Covid19